My 31st Year, My 31 Wishes

As I celebrated my 31st birthday yesterday, I wanted to share my 31 wishes for my upcoming year. This is the fourth year I have laid out my wishes and for the first time, I have decided not to look back at my wishes for last year but look forward to this next year.

I have decided that I cannot live in the past anymore. I need to live in the present and enjoy what is in front of me. So here is my 31 wishes for this next year.

Family is the number one thing in my life. I have been blessed with an amazing wife who takes care of the everyday things in our household and two amazing children. 

  1. Be present when I am with my wife and kids. Leave work at work and remain unplugged from technology for the first hour I am home.

  2. Continue monthly date night with my wife.

  3. Make dinner once a week.

  4. Take a weekend vacation with my wife.

  5. Take a weekend family staycation.

  6. Set up “father-son” and “father-daughter” play dates at least twice a month.

  7. Read to my kids every night.

  8. Learn to say no to “extra” obligations and continue making family a priority.

  9. Make time for PFG boy and PFG girl to continue to build relationships with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

  10. Plan trips to visit extended family who I haven’t seen in years.

2014 marked my return professionally to the Jewish community but in a role where I could still personally enjoy my spirituality and build traditions with my family.

  1. Continue going to weekly Shabbat services.

  2. Participate in weekly Tot-Shabbat services.

  3. Continue unplugging from social media, email and internet on Shabbat.

  4. Hold one Shabbat dinner a month at our house for just for our family or with guests.

  5. Find a learning partner/group to continue to learn and ask questions about Judaism.


  1. Participate in 5 networking events.

  2. Attend two professional conferences.

  3. Connect with two nonprofit professionals a month for coffee.

  4. Find a mentor and meet with them on a monthly basis.

  5. Stay connected and participate on a regular basis with nonprofit and development associations.

Volunteer/PhilanthropyPhilanthropy has been a major aspect of my life for the last few years and I have worked to make philanthropy a part of our entire family. In my 31st year, I want to pass on and help PFG boy develop an understanding and passion for giving back.

  1. Give 2% of income to charity.

  2. Volunteer once a month (could be with same organization or different organizations.)

  3. Participate in three volunteer activities with PFG boy.

  4. Establish charity (tzedekah) fund for PFG boy so he can learn how to give his own money.

  5. Determine whether to continue with current board commitment or make a change to a new organization.

Each year, I set out some personal goals that I want to meet either for myself or for my family. I believe each of these help me become a more well-rounded individual.

  1. Work out three times a week.

  2. Reconnect with five friends from high school or college.

  3. Pay down $4,000 in debt.

  4. Build a personal board of directors which includes: a spiritual advisor, a financial advisor, a life advisor and a health advisor.

  5. Take 15 minutes for myself every day.

  6. Have fun & live each day with intent!

As always, thank you for your love and support in my professional and personal endeavors.  These wishes could not come true without your ongoing support.

As with last year, I would like to challenge you to come up with your own wishes.  What things have you always wanted to do but have been too afraid to do?  Set out wishes that you believe you can meet and share them with us.


Happy 6th Birthday, B


Taking Her for Granted