Taking Her for Granted

Earlier this morning, Mrs. PFG left with her sister to join her mom, aunts, grandmother, and other sister for a girl’s weekend in Austin. For the second time in two months, I will be a single parent.

Okay, actually that is not fair… I do have help. The Pure Family Gold family is lucky because we are surrounded by family (seven siblings, three sets of parents and two grandparents) in Denver and both sets of parents have stepped up both times Mrs. PFG has been gone to help me with PFG boy and girl.

However, for the second time in a short period of time, I realize how lucky I am to have a partner in my life who keeps our family going. For those of you that don’t know, Mrs. PFG left her job at a retail store sixteen months ago to raise PFG boy and prepare for the arrival of PFG girl. I also realize that I have taken this for granted.

I take for granted the fact that PFG boy gets taken to school four days a week and picked up without a worry. I take for granted the fact that I can wake up, shower, feed PFG boy and go to work for 8-9 hours a day. I take for granted that I don’t have to leave work to deal with contractors. I take for granted that Mrs. PFG runs a household, serves as a chauffeur, a nurse, and runs a business out of the house.

I have taken this whole scenario for granted for too long and it took Mrs. PFG’s two trips to make me appreciate what we have.

I am truly grateful that I have a partner who for the last fourteen years has stood by my side as I have experienced successes and failures. I am grateful that I have a partner who wanted to raise our two kids AND run her business. I am grateful that I have a partner who keeps our family going in the right direction. And I am grateful that I have a partner in life who is really a partner in everything we have done and will do in the future.

Thank you, Mrs. PFG for everything you do on a daily basis with our kids. Thank you for your endless love and support. Thank you for helping me realize that I couldn’t do all of this on my own. Most of all, thank you for helping me be a better husband, father and son.


My 31st Year, My 31 Wishes


Happy 1st Birthday, PFG Girl